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Since it is Christmas, I will pick up an old story. Remember SF?

He has been well. He is still seeing Immuno, Respi, Endo, Cardio, and SLT (Guess the shortforms!), but we have been discharged from at least 4 other disciplines since day 1.

Let’s go back to the old old story… Cardiology – SF is bradycardia now, which appears to be common for TAPVD patients. Since he is well, the cardiologist decided we shouldn’t do anything about it. I was just joking with EC maybe SF can be a marathon runner next time, with such low heart rate (50s-60s when resting). Who knows, we have an infinite God with mind beyond our limited understanding.

Another old story… Endocrine – SF failed a recent attempt to wean off his thyroid medicine, and it may mean he’ll be medicated for the rest of his life. The dosage however remained the same since birth. Considering his weight, it makes no sense, but weaning him off totally was not possible. I have no idea why. God is, and has always been, working very interesting things in SF’s life.

Yet another old old story… Speech and Language Therapy – SF still needs to see Speech Therapist, but we have seen some improvement. The best gift this Christmas is to hear him converse with his Respiratory doctor, and she actually understood him! They had a conversation! Either she is a brilliant listener/decoder or he has made tremendous improvement. He is still not very clear but I think God understands him well.

Oh another old story… Respiratory Med – The doctor said ‘touch wood’ at least 4 times. It suddenly dawned on me that the Cross was made of wood and modern civilisation has just missed the point. It was not the wood that tells the story, but He who hung on the wood. Nothing, the team will do nothing, only observe.

I want to tell the same old story… Immunology – SF’s numbers in his last Immunology appointment was not good. His numbers (CD4, and CD8 which account for his body’s ability to fight infection) have always been bad (he has the same numbers as HIV patients), which means he is highly susceptible to infection. It was quite odd to see the doctor checking his mouth for oral thrush, and other AIDS related symptoms. The amazing thing is, he hardly falls sick. Sure he comes down with allergies, and cough and flu, but looking at his numbers, it could have been much much worse! He behaves like, and participated in most activities children his age participate. We don’t treat him different. Bad numbers, but God is still good.

Psalms 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings

It was disheartening to receive his results initially but we know God has been holding on to this life for so long. Surely He meant something good out of it.

The Psalms that we prayed daily over him at CICU always come back to us,

Psalms 91:5 You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day;

Psalms 91:6 Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

I cannot believe how far he has come with God. It will not always be sunshine and roses. There might come a time we have to fight another battle. I know however,

Job 19:25 “As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth.

This is the season of an old old story. And many know the story…

The same old story,

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The same old story…

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The same old story…

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Maybe we need old stories. Old old stories that tell truth, and not freshly-spun pulp fiction, like quick fix drugs. Don’t get bored with old stories. Don’t roll your eyes at it. Don’t turn away from it. Listen carefully to those old stories this Christmas. Step into a church, and not a mall, we call it Christ-mas, not Santa-mas. There must be a story behind this, an old story, but a true one.